PinnedI am TravellerI am a traveller, a nomad in my heart, Roaming through the world, searching for my part.Apr 4, 2023Apr 4, 2023
PinnedTOWARDS ETERNITY; Hereafter!Day of Judgment; Tough Questions About Hereafter! (Afterlife)Oct 23, 2022Oct 23, 2022
Mental HealthThis article shows the introduction of mental health, what is it? , when was it coming to study ?(After 1946; in UN & WHO)Jun 8Jun 8
Women’s Right and Women’s March(Specially when you mixed Religions with others religion, your Societal Norms & Values, Cultural, impressed by Western culture, norms but…Mar 8Mar 8
Companionship — AllahcallSome doubts, some question are remains whatever you are. Doubts and questions related to religionFeb 14, 2023Feb 14, 2023